Kings College London Undergraduate Summer School
伦敦大学国王学院(Kings College London),是伦敦大学的创校学院之一,1829年由英王乔治四世和首相威灵顿公爵于伦敦泰晤士河畔精华地带所创建,是英国金三角名校和罗素大学集团的知名学院。2005年《卫报》曾盛赞当时伦敦大学四大学院(伦敦国王学院、伦敦政治经济学院、伦敦帝国理工学院和伦敦大学学院),誉其在英国学术声望可与牛津、剑桥相比拟。伦敦国王学院是世界20强大学之一,是一个以研究为导向的大学,并且也是英国第四古老的学校。学校的校友及教员中共诞生了12位诺贝尔奖得主,文豪托马斯·哈代、诗人约翰·济慈,以及理论物理学巨擘彼得·希格斯等皆是国王学院的毕业生。历年最高世界排名第10位(2008/09),最新世界大学排名中位列第16位(QS 2014/15)。
Undergraduate Summer School 2015
Applications for Kings Undergrdaute Summer School will open on January 26th 2015.
The majority of our modules on offer are now avaiable to view on our website along with admission requirements and fee s.
We will be sending information on how to apply in early January 2015.
The Summer Programmes office will be closed for the Christmas Break from the 19th of Decemeber 2014 - 5th of January2015.
We wish everyone celebrating a Mery Christmas and a Happy New Year.
If you have any questions please email us at
Pre-University Summer School 2015
The Pre-University Summer School is open to independent high-achieving students who are enrolled within their final two years at high school and therefore are normally between the ages of 16 and 18.
It is an intensive social and academic two week programme in one of the busiest and most diverse cities in the world and therefore independence, maturity and motivation are essential qualities for all applicants.
You can find out more details on our website
If you have anyquestions, please email
Professional Development Summer Series 2015
The Kings College Professional Development Summer Sessions offer professionals arange of original, relevant and academically rigorous short courses. Taught by members of our world renowned faculty, participants are exposed to the latest research within social sciences, health policy, the arts, education and management.
The Professional Development Summer Sessions take place at various times duringJune and July.
Final dates and courses for 2015 will be confirmed in January.
Please register your interest by emailing if you would like to receive more information about our 2015 programmes.