上海交通大学第六届人文国际青年学者论坛诚邀海内外英才The Sixth SJTU International Young Scholars Forum on Humanities Introduction
一、简表Basic information
学习经历Education Background (from undergraduate studies)
工作经历Working Experience (including post-doctoral studies )
二、近五年主要学术表现Major academic achievements in the past five years
2.1 近五年代表性著作﹑论文情况(10篇以内)
Representative publications in the past five years (no more than 10 publications)
(Please note: title of the publication, name of the publisher or publication, name of all the authors, whether the publication is included in SCI, EI, SSCI, CSSCI, journal impact factors, and citation times)
2.2 近五年重要获奖情况(10项以内)Awards in the past five years ( no more than 10 awards )