
“KU Leuven Day” Held inSchool of Humanities


On September 28, 2012,Professor Dr. BartVan Den Bossche, head of the International Mobility and Cooperation Office,Faculty of Arts of KU Leuven, together with other faculties, gave a speech on  “KULeuven Day”. At 9 am, Dr. Bart Van Den Bossche began his keynote speechin room 412, School of Humanities. He first generally introduced to the facultyand students of SOH about KU Leuvenand also its faculties and research centers in Europe, especially in the fieldof humanities and arts. Then,he alsointroduced some of its master programs on humanities and arts.

After that, Prof. Gao Xuanyang, ZhangYumei, He Yifeng, etc. gave Dr. Bart Van Den Bossche a guide tour of theInstitute for Advanced Study in European Culture (IASEC), School of Humanities.At 2 pm, the speech venue was transferred to the auditorium which canaccommodate more students. The activity has attracted various students andfaculties from School of Humanities, KoGuan Law School, School of ForeignLanguages, School of Media and Design and so on.

After the speeches, many questions on studying abroad and other confusions wereraised by the students and the heat interaction lasted until the end of theactivity.

The activity was organized and held by SJTUand the Research Centre of China-Europe Cultures, Catholic University ofLouvain.