Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Name:Han Lei
Title:Tenure-track Associate Professor

Research Expertise:Semiotics, Contemporary western literary theories, Comparative poetics, Sino-foreign literary relations, ect.

Lei Han is a tenure-track associate professor at the School of Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; and a member of the editorial boards of two international journals: Biosemiotics (SSCI) and Chinese Semiotic Studies (ESCI); she is a special research fellow at the Institute of Semiotics & Media Studies.

She obtained her BA and Ph.D degrees at Fudan University;

She had been a visiting scholar at Charles University at Prague, in 2017. 

She has published widely on semiotics of discourse, contemporary French theory, cultural studies and comparative poetics. Her monograph Lun luolan ba’erte: yige huayu fuhaoxue de kaocha《论巴尔特:一个话语符号学的考察》 (On Roland Barthes: An exploration of Semiology of Discourse) was published in 2019. Her translation of Juri Lotman’s Culture and Explosion into Chinese will be published soon.


Journal Papers

  • 《“罗兰·巴尔特与中国”——关于影响研究的对话》,《社会科学研究》,6 (2012): 175-188[CSSCI]
  •  “On the Cultural Turn of Translation Studies in China in the New Millennium: A Semiotic Appraisal and Prognosis.” Chinese Semiotic Studies 9 (2013): 64-75. Nanjing: Yi Lin. 
  • 《罗兰·巴尔特与中国:一个话语符号学的文本实验》,《中国比较文学》,2 (2014): 92-106[CSSCI]
  •  “Juri Lotman’s Autocommunication Model and Roland Barthes’s Representations of Self and Other.” Sign Systems Studies 42.4 (2014): 517-529. Tartu: Tartu UP.
  •  “The Reception of Tartu Semiotics in China: A Preliminary Survey and a Few Case Studies.” Chinese Semiotic Studies 10.1 (2014): 133-163. (The 2rdauthorship) Mouton: De Gruyter. 
  • 《罗兰·巴尔特书写中国的矩阵符号学考察》,《法国研究》,1 (2015): 64-74.
  • 《罗兰·巴尔特的“中性”修辞学》,《当代修辞学》,3 (2015): 16-24。(第2作者)[CSSCI]
  • 《罗兰·巴尔特的“跨语言学”设想及其学术渊源》,《语言符号学通讯》,3 (2015): 27-38
  • 《尤里·洛特曼的自主交流模式:重述与反思》,《语言与符号》,1 (2016): 87-94
  • 《“Niche”概念的符号学解读》,《中外文化与文论》,4 (2016): 207-216[CSSCI]
  • 《重读<叙事作品结构分析导论>》,《中国文学研究》,1 (2017): 10-14[CSSCI]
  • <老子>的主体世界建构:一个生物符号学观点》,《符号与传媒》,2 (2018)47-58[CSSCI]
  • 《论罗兰·巴尔特爱之言谈中互文性与主体间性问题》,《中国文学研究》,2(2019),9-15。[CSSCI]
  •  ”A Historical and Semiotic Analysis of Cina's calling on/relation to China in the Cultural Revolution.“ In: The Waterfall and the Fountain: Comparative Semiotic Essays on Contemporary Arts in China (Eds. Massimo Leone, Bruno Surace, and Zeng Jun), 2019 [Lexia 34(2019): 165-178. Special issue.] [SCOPUS]
  •  “Reading Chinese anti-COVID-19 pandemic narratives on facemasks as the art of disaster governance: a semiotic and biopolitical survey.” Social Semiotics. DOI: 10.1080/10350330.2020.1810559 [SSCI, A&HCI].
  •  “The Idealistic Elements in Modern Semiotic Studies: With Particular Recourse to the Umwelt theory.” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, Mar 2021: 107-128. DOI: 10.6240/concentric.lit.202103_47(1).0006 [A&HCI]
  • “The untranslatability of Literaturnost revisited in the Era of artificial intelligence.” Babel, 4(2023): 1-16. [A&HCI]

Book chapters

  • 《罗兰·巴尔特的“我/他”片段式记忆书写》,见:张汉良主编:《符号与记忆:海峡两岸的文本实践》,台北:行人出版社,2015年,第315-325页。
  • “The Legacy of Émile Benveniste in Roland Barthes’ Representation of Self and Other.” In: Émile Benveniste, la croisée des disciplines (Ed. Ozouf Sénamin Amedegnato), Limoges: Éditions Lambert-Lucas,  2022.

Conference papers

  • “Human Umwelten at the crossroads: a biosemiotic and biopolitic appraisal." Paper delivered at the 2023 Gathering of Biosemiotics, August 2, 2023, at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  •  “Cina’s Calling on China in the Cultural Revolution: A Semiotic Analysis.” Paper delivered at the Contemporary Arts in China-A Comparative Semiotic Overview-International Symposium, 25th-26thSeptember 2018, at Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.
  • <会饮>篇与<裴德诺>篇的“精神导引”与巴尔特的“色情修辞学”》,“古典诗学文献的当代诠释”工作坊,台北:台湾大学,2017 10-11 日。
  •  “The Tao Te Tsing as an Architext of Semiotics.” Paper delivered at the 2016 International Symposium of Language and Semiotics, 25th-27thNovember 2016, at the Soochow University, Suzhou, China.
  •  “‘Umwelt’ as a Taoist Female Principle: Re-reading the Tao Te Tsing.” Paper delivered at the Sixteenth Annual Gatherings in Biosemiotics, 4th -8th July 2016, at the Charles University in Prague, Republic of Cezch.
  • “The Legacy of Émile Benveniste in Roland Barthes’ Representation of Self and Other.” Paper delivered at the International Colloquium “Émile Benveniste, la croisée des disciplines”, 3rd-4thJune 2016 at the University of Calgary, Canada. 
  • 《罗兰·巴尔特对日本和中国的“自我反射式”书写:记忆、想象与文化符号的再表述》,第二届海峡两岸青年学者符号学论坛,台北:台湾大学,2013 11 17 日。
  •  “Juri Loman’s Communication Model and Roland Barthes’s Representations of Self and Other.” Paper presented at the 2013 Tartu Summer School of Semiotics, 18th -23rd August 2013 at the University of Tartu, Estonia.
  • 《罗兰·巴尔特书写中国的模态:一个格雷马斯话语符号学的研究》,第一届海峡两岸青年学者符号学论坛,上海:复旦大学,2013 26 日。
  •  “Aspects of the Semiotics of Translation: Is There A ‘New’ Paradigm Shift in Translation Studies?” Paper presented at the 11th Congress of the IASS on 7th October 2012, at Nanjing Normal University, China.
  • 《瘟疫与他者:一个神话学研究》,神话学与反种族主义高端论坛,2020年11月14日,上海交通大学,上海。
  • “The Semiology of City's Discourse." Paper delivered at the Workshop of the Cultural Semiotics, 23rd April 2019, at Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.
  • 《从语言符号学的意识形态批判走向意识形态符号学》,第十三届全国语言与符号学研讨会,2018年10月19-21日,同济大学,上海。
  • 《罗兰·巴尔特的跨语言学设想》,法国当代文学研究研讨会暨纪念罗兰•巴特百年诞辰学术研讨会,北京:北京外国语大学,2015 26-27 日。
  • 《论罗兰·巴尔特话语符号学的渊源、成型、反思与批判性实践:以话语问题为核心》,第12 届上海高校比较文学博士生学术论坛,上海:华东师范大学,2014 10 26 日。
  • 《论罗兰·巴尔特话语符号学的渊源、成型、反思与批判性实践》,第三届全国中文学科博士生论坛,广州:中山大学,2014 08 30 日。
  •  “Juri Loman’s Communication Model and Roland Barthes’s Representations of Self and Other”2014 年上海比较文学学会年会,上海:上海师范大学,2014 07 日。
  • 《罗兰·巴尔特与中国:一个巴尔特符号学的文本实验》,第10届上海高校比较文学博士生学术论坛,上海:复旦大学,2012 12 日。
  • 《从语言符号学的意识形态批判走向意识形态符号学》,第13届全国语言与符号学研讨会,上海:同济大学,20181019-21日。



  •  “Laozi as an Architext of Semiotics.” Lecture delivered at the Institute of East Asian Studies at the Charles University, May 15, 2017, Prague, Cezch.
  • ”Reading Chinese Anti-COVID-19 Pandemic Narratives on Facemasks as the Art of Disaster Governance: A Semiotic and Biopolitical Survey". Lecture delivered online for graduate students from Jinan University, Guangzhou, July 11, 2020.


  • [爱沙尼亚] 尤里·洛特曼:《文化与爆炸》,中国社科文献出版社,即将出版。
  • [比利时]安德烈·勒菲维尔:《走向一种综合理论的翻译文本》,韩蕾译,见:杨乃乔主编:《比较诗学读本(西方卷)》,北京:首都师范大学出版社,2014,第272-283页。
  •  [爱沙尼亚]皮特·托洛普:《走向翻译符号学》,韩蕾译,见:杨乃乔主编:《比较诗学读本(西方卷)》,北京:首都师范大学出版社,2014,第350-366页。