Research Expertise:Semiotics, Contemporary western literary theories, Comparative poetics, Sino-foreign literary relations, ect.
Research Expertise:Semiotics, Contemporary western literary theories, Comparative poetics, Sino-foreign literary relations, ect.
Lei Han is a tenure-track associate professor at the School of Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; and a member of the editorial boards of two international journals: Biosemiotics (SSCI) and Chinese Semiotic Studies (ESCI); she is a special research fellow at the Institute of Semiotics & Media Studies.
She obtained her BA and Ph.D degrees at Fudan University;
She had been a visiting scholar at Charles University at Prague, in 2017.
She has published widely on semiotics of discourse, contemporary French theory, cultural studies and comparative poetics. Her monograph Lun luolan ba’erte: yige huayu fuhaoxue de kaocha《论巴尔特:一个话语符号学的考察》 (On Roland Barthes: An exploration of Semiology of Discourse) was published in 2019. Her translation of Juri Lotman’s Culture and Explosion into Chinese will be published soon.
Journal Papers
Book chapters
Conference papers