Department of Philosophy
Name:Duh. Bau-Ruei
Title:Distinguished Professor

Research Expertise:Neo-Confucianism, Daoist philosophy, Zen Buddhism

Courses:I-Ching philosophy, methodology of Chinese philosophy, Chinese management philosophy, Eastern philosophy and life wisdom


l  09/1989-07/1993   PhD in Philosophy, National Taiwan University

l  09/1985-07/1989   MA in Philosophy, National Taiwan University

l  09/1982-07/1985   BA in Philosophy, National Taiwan University

l  09/1979-07/1982   Student, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University


l  2016-present       Editor in chief, Taiwan Journal of Buddhist Studies

l  2011-present       Professor, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University

l  2010-2016    Director, Center for Buddhist Studies, National Taiwan University

l  2012-2013    Dean, Division of Student Affairs, National Taiwan University

l  2011-2012    Vice Dean, Division of Student Affairs, National Taiwan University

l  2005-2011    Associate professor, Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University

l  2004-2005    Dean, College of Liberal Arts, Huafan University

l  2001-2004    Chair, Department of Philosophy, Huafan University

l  1995-2005    Associate professor, Department of Philosophy, Huafan University

Duh, Bau-Ruei. Interpretation of Zhou Yi. Shandong: Qi-Lu Book Press, 2017. 
Duh, Bau-Ruei. A Critical Analysis on Mou Zong-San’s Confucianism. Taipei: The Commercial Press, Ltd.,2017.
Duh, Bau-Ruei. Methodology of Chinese Philosophy. Taipei: The Commercial Press, Ltd., 2013.
Duh, Bau-Ruei. Confucianism in South Song Dynasty. Taipei: The Commercial Press, Ltd., 2010.
Duh, Bau-Ruei. Wang Chuan-Shan’s Metaphysics from the Approach of I-Ching and Qi. Taipei: Hua-Mu-Lan Culture Press, 2010.
Duh, Bau-Ruei. The Kungfu Theory and Metaphysical Philosophy of Liu Ji-Shan. Taipei: Hua-Mu-Lan Culture Press, 2009.
Duh, Bau-Ruei; Chen, Rong-Hua. Introduction to Philosophy. Taipei: Wu-Nan Press, 2008.
Duh, Bau-Ruei. Confucianism in North Song Dynasty. Taipei: The Commercial Press, Ltd., 2005.
Duh, Bau-Ruei. Fundamental Issues in Philosophy. Beijing: Hua-Wen Press, 2000.
Duh, Bau-Ruei. Kungfu Theory and Jingjie Philosophy. Beijing: Hua-Wen Press, 1999.
Duh, Bau-Ruei. Return Is the Motion of the Tao—Philosophy of Lao Zi. Taipei: Hong-Tai Press, 1995.
Duh, Bau-Ruei. Zhuang Zhou Dreams a Butterfly—Philosophy of Zhuang Zi. Taipei: Wu-Nan Book Press, 1995.

** The above are books published in Chinese; list of academic journal essays to be provided under request.