Department of History
Name:Cheng Zhaoqi
Title:Distinguished Professor

Research Expertise:Problems left over by the Sino - Japanese War

Cheng Zhaoqi, shanghai native, was born in 1956. He is Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Humanities in SJTU. Director of SJTU Tokyo Trial Center, he has engaged in left-over problems of Japan Aggressive War against China and studies of Tokyo Trial. Having completed several projects of National Social and Science Foundation, he has achieved the first prize in Outstanding Achievements of Shanghai Municipal Philosophy, Social and Science. At present, he is engaged in Studies on Key Issues of Tokyo Trial (a key project supported by Ministry of Education) and collection, translation, and publication of philology of Tokyo Trial.

1. Studies on Existing Historical Materials of Nanjing Massacre in Japan Nanjing Massacre.

2. Studies on Nanjing Massacre—Japanese Fiction Group.

Several Issues in the Studies of the Nanjing Massacre; Past Experience and Future Possible Trends - Thirty Years of Studies of the Chinese Modern History (1979-2009), [C]; in 2009.

Re-examination of Ogawa Sekijirō's Testimony - Examinations of Defendants' Testimonies on the Tokyo Trials Concerning Nanjing Atrocities: Case Two  

Issue 4 of Jianghai Academic Journal in 2010, pp. 143-155.  

New Progress in China Concerning the Tokyo Trials, Issue 1 of Republican Archives in 2014

General History of the Tokyo Trials, a project of the Shanghai Social Science Fund, in 2016

Collection and collation of documents on Japanese war crime trials, and database construction, a special Anti-Japanese War Project of the National Social Science Fund, in 2016

Studies of a Number of Major Issues Concerning the Tokyo Trials, a major research project of the Ministry of Education, chief expert, in 2011;  

Studies of the Japanese Crime of Atrocities in China on the Tokyo Trials, a project of the National Social Science Fund, authorized in 2008;