Department of History
Name:Qiu Pengsheng
Title:Distinguished Professor

Research Expertise:(1) The institutional economic history of late imperial China. (2) The legal history of late imperial China. (3) The urban history of late imperial China.

Courses:(1) The Ming-Qing Chinese Economy: A Legal and Cultural Analysis (2) In Search of Order and Harmony: Key Issues in Ming-Qing Legal History (3) Social Change and Early Globalization in Ming-Qing China

Academic and Professional Background:

My undergraduate (June 1985), master’s (June 1989) and doctoral (June 1995) degrees were all obtained from the Department of History of National Taiwan University.  I was an Assistant Research Fellow (August 1996–March 2004) and an Associate Research Fellow (April 2004–June 2014) of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica. From July 2012 to July 2018 I was Professor of the Department of History, Chinese University Hong Kong.


Research Interests:

I have been influenced especially by economic anthropology and the new institutional economic history; these approaches shape my primary research focus on commercial law and market evolution in Ming-Qing China (1368–1911).  My latest work concentrates on the evolution of knowledge and worldview as seen against the economic and legal changes of sixteenth- to nineteenth-century China. I am currently writing a book that examines the interaction of material life and legal norms in an upper Yangzi River city, Chongqing, on the eve of the mid-nineteenth century. My webpage may be found at

Books Authored

(1)    《當經濟遇上法律:明清中國的市場演化》(台北聯經出版公司201810) [ Dang Jingji Yushang Falu: Ming Qing Zhongguo de Shichang Yanhua [When Economy Meets Law: Market Evolution in Ming-Qing China] ( Taipei: Linking Publisher Company , October 2018]. ISBN 9789570851632  

 (2) 《當法律遇上經濟:明清中國的商業法律》(台北五南出版公司20 082) [ D ang Falu Yushang Jingji: Ming Qing Zhongguo de Shanye Falu [ When Law Meets Economy: Commercial Law in Ming-Qing China ] ( Taipei Wunan Publishing Company, 2008 ) . ] ISBN 978-957-11-5062-8

(3) 《十八、十九世紀蘇州城的新興工商業團體》(台北台灣大學出版中心19906) [ The New Associations of Merchants and Artisans in Soochow, 1700-1900 (Taipei: The National Taiwan University Press, June 1990) .]


Books Edited

(1)     邱澎生、何志輝編,《明清法律與社會變遷》(北京:法律出版社,2019年12月) 。[Chiu Pengsheng and He Zhihui eds., Mingqing Falu yu Shehui Bianqian  [ Law and Social Change in the Late Imperial China ] (Beijing: Falu Publisher Company, December 2019]. ISBN 978-7-5197-4041-2

(2)    邱澎生、陳熙遠編,《明清法律運作中的權力與文化》(台北:中央研究院、聯經出版公司,20094[Chiu Pengsheng and Chen Hsi-yuan eds., Ming Qing Falu Yunzuo Zhongde Quanli yu Wenhua [ Power and Culture in the Judicial Practice in the Late Imperial China ] (Taipei: Academia Sinica and Linking Publisher Company, April 2009]. ISBN 978- 986-01-7907-1

-            Journal papers

1.         〈”是官当敬”?检视十八世纪重庆商业诉讼的政治风险问题〉,《清史研究》2020年6期,页73-84。[““All the Officials Should Be Mostly Respected”? Unveilling the Political Risk of Commercial Litigation in Eighteen-Century Chongqing”, Qingshi Yanjiu [The Qing History Journal] 2020, No. 6 (December 2020), pp.73-84.]

2.         〈由《商贾便览》看十八世纪中国的商业伦理〉,《汉学研究》(台北), 33卷3期 (2015年9月),页205-240。[“A Consideration of Eighteenth-century Chinese Business Ethics from the Perspective of ‘Brief Guide for Traders and Shopkeepers’, Hanxue Yanjiu [Chinese Studies] (Taipei), Vol. 33, No. 3 (September 2015), pp. 205-240.]

3.         〈由代收税捐看清末苏州商会的“代表性”问题〉, 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2014年1期 (2014年2月),页14-24。[“Representing Merchants in a New Form of Identity: The Issue of the ‘Representativeness’ of Late Qing Suzhou Chambers of Commerce as Seen from the Process of Tax Collection”, Sichuan Daxue Xuebao [Journal of Sichuan University] (Social Science Edition), 2014, no. 1 (February 2014), pp. 14-24.]

4.         〈律例本乎圣经:明清士人与官员的法律知识论述〉, 《明代研究》(台北) , 21期(2013年12月), 页75-98。[“Law and Statutes Based on Confucian Canons: Legal Discourse of Ming-Qing Scholar-Official Literati”, Mingdai Yanjiu [Journal of Ming Studies] (Taipei), no. 21 (December 2013), pp. 75-98.]

5.         〈18世纪苏松棉布业的管理架构与法律文化〉,《江海学刊》2012年2期 (2012年4月),页143-157。["Inquiring the Governance Structure and Legal Culture in the Eighteenth-Century Cotton Industry in Suzhou and Sonjiang", Jianghai Xuekan [Jianghai Academic Journal], Vol.2012, No. 2 (April 2012), pp. 143-157.]

6.         〈由唐律「轻重相举」看十九世纪清代刑部说帖的「比附重轻」〉,《法制史研究》(台北),19期 (2011年6月), 页115-147。["Revisiting the Principle of ‘No Penalty without a Law’ in Nineteenth Century China", Fazhishi Yanjiu  [Journal for Legal History Studies] (Taipei), No. 19 (June 2011), pp. 115-147.]

7.         〈明清讼师的兴起及其官司致胜术〉,《历史人类学学刊》(香港), 7卷2期「明清法律史专号」 (2009年10月), 页31-71。["The Rise of Litigation Masters and Their Handbooks for Winning Lawsuits in Late Imperial China", Special Issue on Ming-Qing Legal History, Lishi Renleixue Xuekan [Journal of History and Anthropology] (Hong Kong), Vol. 7, No. 2 (October 2009), pp. 31-71.]

8.         〈法学专家、苏州商人团体与清代中国的「习惯法」问题〉,《北大法律评论》(北京), 10卷1期 (2009年1月), 页68-88。["Legal Experts, Suzhou Merchant Associations, and the ‘Customary Law’ Issue in Qing China", Beida Falu Pinglun [Beijing Law School Review] (Beijing), Vol. 10, No.1 (January 2009), pp. 68-88.]

9.         〈十八世纪清政府修订〈教唆词讼〉律例下的查拿讼师事件〉,《中央研究院历史语言研究所集刊》(台北),79本4分(2008年12月), 页637-682。["Regulating Litigation Masters in Eighteenth-Century China", Zhongyang Yanjiuyuan Lishi Yuyan Yanjiusuo Jikan [Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica] (Taipei), Vol. 97, No. 4 (December 2008), pp. 637-682.]

10.     〈由商人讼案看明清中国的司法场域与法律思维模式〉, 《清华法学》第10辑(北京:清华大学法学院,2007年3月), 页89-110。["Juridical Field and Legal Thinking in Mingqing Merchant Lawsuits", Qinghua Legal Studies, Vol. 10 (Beijing, Qinghua Law School, March 2007), pp. 89-110.]

11.     〈由公产到法人——清代苏州、上海商人团体的制度变迁〉 ,《法制史研究》(台北),10期 (2006年12月), 页117-154。["From ‘Common Property’ to Corporation: The Institutional Changes of the Merchant Associations of Suzhou and Shanghai in Late Qing", Fazhishi Yanjiu [Journal for Legal History Studies] (Taipei), Vol. 49 (December 2006), pp. 117-154.]

12.     〈也是「商法」问题:试论十七世纪中国的法律批判与法律推理〉, 《法制史研究》(台北), 8期 (2005年12月), 页75-123。["Putting ‘Commercial Law’ into the Chinese Context:Legal Critique and Legal Reasoning in Seventeenth-Century China", Fazhishi Yanjiu [Journal for Legal History Studies] (Taipei), No. 8 (December 2005), pp. 75-123.]

13.     〈以法为名:明清讼师与幕友对法律秩序的冲击〉 《新史学》(台北), 15卷4期(2004年12月),页93-148。["Force of Law: The Rise of Litigation Masters and Private Secretaries and its Impact on Legal Norm in Ming-Qing Period", Xing Shixue [New History] (Taipei), Vol. 15 No. 4 (December 2004), pp. 93-148.]

14.     〈市场、法律与人情——明清苏州商人团体提供「交易服务」的制度变迁〉,《开放时代》,2004年 5期 (广州:2004年7月), 页72-90。["Institutional Changes through the Transaction Services Provided by Suzhou Merchant Groups in Mingqing China", Open Times, Vol. 2004, No. 5 (Guangzhou: July 2004), pp.72-90.]

15.     〈有资用世或福祚子孙:晚明有关法律知识的两种价值观〉, 《清华学报》(新竹), 新33卷1期 (2003年6月), 页1-43。["Taking Law Seriously: Two Types of World Views about Legal Knowledge in Late Ming China", Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, New Series (Hsin-chu), Vol. 33, No. 1 (June 2003), pp. 1-43.]

16.     〈由放料到工厂:清代前期苏州棉布字号的经济与法律分析〉, 《历史研究》(北京), 2002年1期 (2002年2月),页75-87。["Putting-out System vs. Factory System: The Economic and Legal Analysis on the Organization of Suzhow’s Cotton Industry in Early Qing Period", Lishi Yanjiu [Historical Research] (Beijing), Vol. 2002, No. 1 (February 2002), pp. 75-87.]

17.     〈十八世纪滇铜市场中的官商关系与利益观念〉, 《中央研究院历史语言研究所集刊》(台北), 72本1分 (2001年3月), 页49-119。[" ’Interests’ in Economic Organization: The Shaping of The Yunnan Copper Market in Eighteenth-Century China", Zhongyang Yanjiuyuan Lishi Yuyan Yanjiusuo Jikan [Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica] (Taipei), Vol.72, No. 1 (March 2001), pp. 49-119.]

18.     〈「数目字管理」是洞见或是限制?黄仁宇「大历史观」下的明清市场与政府〉, 《台大历史学报》26期 (2000年12月),页351-376。["On Professor Ray Huang's Thesis of "Mathematically Unmanageable" in Late Imperial China", Taida Lishi Xuebao [History Inquiry] (Taipei), No. 26 (December 2000), pp. 351-376.] DOI: 10.6253/ntuhistory.2000.26.10

19.     〈禁止把持与保护专利:试析清末商事立法中的苏州金箔业讼案〉, 《中外法学》2000年3期(北京:北京大学法学院,2000年6月), 页311-328。["Prohibiting Monopoly and Protecting Patent: On the Suzhou Gold Foil Case in the Late Qing Dynasty", Peking University Law Journal, Vol. 2000, No. 3 (Beijing: Peking University Law School, June 2000), pp. 311-328.]

20.     〈由苏州经商冲突事件看清代前期的官商关系〉, 《台大文史哲学报》, 43期 (1995年12月), 页37-92。 ["Merchants and Mandarins: Stake Contentions and Judicial Precedents Regarding Commerce in Soochow during Late Imperial China", Taida Wenshizhe Xuebao [Humanitas Taiwanica] (Taipei), No. 43 (December 1995), pp. 37-92.] DOI: 10.6258/bcla.1995.43.02

21.     〈明代苏州营利出版事业及其社会效应〉, 《九州学刊》5卷2期(香港:1992年10月), 页139-159。["The Development of Print Business and its Social Effects in Ming Suzhou", Chinese Culture Quarterly, Vol. 5, No. 2 (October 1992), pp. 139-159.]

22.      〈明清时代苏州城工商业组织的变革〉, 《国立台湾大学建筑与城乡研究学报》5期 (台北:1990年2月),页83-96。["The Formation of New Kind of Associations in a Chinese City Suzhou after the Sixteenth Century", Taida Chengxiang Jianzhu Xuebao [Journal of Building and Planning] (Taipei), No. 5 (February 1990), pp. 83-96.] DOI: 10.6154/JBP.1990.5.007

-          Book Charpters:

(1)      〈明清中国“商业法律”的构成与演化〉,收入邱澎生、何志辉合编,《明清法律与社会变迁》(北京:法律出版社,2019年12月),页300-334。["The Constitution and Evolution of Commercial Law in Late Imperial China", in The Centre of the Chinese Modern Social History in Chiu Pengsheng and He Zhihui eds., Law and Social Change in the Late Imperial China (Shanghai: Beijing: Falu Publisher Company, December 2019), pp. 300-334.]

(2)      〈18世纪苏州的工资纠纷与地方政治经济立法〉,收入唐力行主编,《江南社会历史评论》第12辑(北京:商务印书馆,2018年10月),页1-13。["The Disputes over Wages and their Related Economic Regulations Issued by Local Government in Eighteen-Century Suzhou ", Jiangnan Shehui Lishi Pinglun [Review of the Social History of Jiangnan], Vol. 12 (Beijing: The Commercial Press, October 2018), pp. 1-13.]

(3)      〈《大清律例》如何影响商业习惯——试析18、19世纪苏州的度量衡诉讼〉,收入《法律史译评》4辑 (上海:中西书局,2017年11月),页281-295。[“How Did the Qing Code Affect Commercial Customs? Lawsuits Pertaining to Weights and Measures in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Suzhou”, Falüshi Yiping [Legal History Studies], Vol. 4 (Shanghai: Zhongxi Book Company, Forthcoming November 2017), pp. 281-295.]

(4)      〈十九世纪前重庆城的债务与合伙诉讼〉,收入陈慈玉主编,《承先启后——王业键院士纪念论文集》(台北:万卷楼图书公司,2016.11), 页247-266。["Lawsuits over Debt and Partnership in Early Nineteenth-Century Chongqing", in Chen Tsu-yu ed., Carrying Forward: In Memory of Professor Wang Yeh-chien (Taipei: Wangjuanlou Book Co., November 2016), pp. 247-266.] ; 〈一九世紀前半期、清代重慶城の債務訴訟における「証拠」問題〉,收入井上徹、仁木宏、松浦恆雄合編,《東アジアの都市構造と集団性―伝統都市から近代都市へ》(大阪:清文堂,2016.03),頁159-184。

(5)      〈18世纪清代苏州商业诉讼中的法律多元〉,收入Luca Gabbiani (陆康)、孙家红、柴剑虹合编,《法国汉学》第16辑《罪与罚:中欧法制史研究的对话》,北京:中华书局,2014年12月,页 34-66。["Legal Pluralism in the Commercial Lawsuits in Suzhou in the Eighteenth Century China", Sinologie Francaise, Vol. 16, Crimes et chatiments: Le droit et l’Etat dans l’historiographie recente en Chine et en Europe (Beijing, Zhonghua Book Co., December 2014), pp. 34-66.]

(6)      〈由苏州商人结社方式变化看明清中国的城市社会变迁〉, 收入上海师范大学中国近代社会研究中心编, 《情缘江南:唐力行教授七十华诞庆寿论文集》(上海:上海书店出版社,2014年10月), 页420-436。["The Transformation of Urban Society as Seen from the Changing Forms of Merchant Associations in Suzhou in Late Imperial China", in The Centre of the Chinese Modern Social History in Shanghai Normal University ed., Devotion to the Study of Jiangnan: In Honor of Professor Tang Lixing on His Seventy Birthday (Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Co., October 2014), pp. 420-436.]

(7)      〈斷裂抑或銜結?清代蘇州商業案件審理機制的建構與演變〉, 收入《中國法史論衡:黃靜嘉先生九秩嵩壽祝賀文集》(台北:中國法制史學會, 2014年4月), 頁203-248。["Rupture or Coupling? The Construction and Evolution of Judiciary Mechanism of Commercial Lawsuits in Suzhou in Qing China", In Dialogue for Studying Chinese Legal History: In Honor of Mr. T. C. Huang on His Ninety Birthday (Taipei: Society for Chinese Legal History, April 2014), Pp.203-248. ]

(8)    〈会馆、公所与郊之比较:由商人公产检视清代中国市场制度的多样性〉, 收入林玉茹编, 《比较视野下的台湾商业传统》(台北:中研院台湾史研究所,2012年2月), 页267-313。["Comparing Huiguan/Gongsuo with Jiao Merchant Communities: Institutional Diversity of Market in the Nineteenth Century China", in Lin Yuju ed., Bijioshiye Xiade Taiwan Shangye Chuantong [Commercial Traditions in Taiwan: A Comparative Perspective] (Taipei: Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, February 2012), pp.267-313.]

(9)      〈18世纪苏州棉布业的工资纠纷与工作规训〉, 《江南社会历史评论》第三期(北京: 商务印书馆, 2011年10月), 页239-270。["Wage Disputes and Work Discipline of the Cotton Industry in the Eighteenth Century Suzhou", Jiangnan Shehui Lishi Pinglun [Review of the Social History of Jiangnan], Vol.3 (Beijing: The Commercial Press, October 2011), pp.239-270.]

(10)   〈消费使人愉悦?略谈明清史学界的物质文化研究〉, 《思想》第15期 (台北:联经出版公司, 2010年5月),页129-147。["Consumption Brings about Pleasure? Introducing the Recent Studies of Material Culture in the Mingching Historiography in Taiwan", Reflection, Vol.15 (Taipei: Linking Book Co., May 2010), pp.129-147.]

(11)   〈清末两种中国「百科全书」的经济与法律之学〉, 收入黄兴涛编, 《新史学》第3卷《文化史研究的再出发》(北京:中华书局, 2009年12月), 页155-183。["Representing the Economy and Law in the Chinese ‘Encyclopaedia’ in Late Qing", New History, vol. 3, Restoring the Study of Cultural History (Beijing: Zhonhua Book Co., December 2009), pp. 155-183.]

(12) 〈国法与帮规:清代前期重庆城的船运纠纷解决机制〉, 收入邱澎生、陈熙远编, 《明清法律运作中的权力与文化》(台北:中央研究院、联经出版公司,2009年4月), 页275-344。["State Law and Merchant Customs in the Dispute-Solving Mechanism of the Nineteenth-Century Chongqing Shipping Business", in Pengsheng Chiu and Hsi-yuan Chen eds., Ming Qing Falu Yunzuo Zhongde Quanli yu Wenhua [Power and Culture in the Judicial Practice in the Late Imperial China] (Taipei: Academia Sinica and Liking Book Co., April 2009), pp. 275-344.]

(13) 〈「机风」与「正气」:明清商业经营中的物产观〉, 收入《基调与变奏:七至二十世纪的中国(二)》(台北:国立政治大学出版社,2008),页177-198。 ["The World-view about Commodity in three Business Handbooks in Late Imperial China", in Mainstreams and Variations in Chinese History from the Seventh to Twentieth Century, Vol.II (Taipei: National Chenchi University, 2008), pp.177-198.]

(14)  "The Discourse on Insolvency and Negligence in Eighteenth-Century China", in Robert E. Hegel and Katherine Carlitz edited, Writing and Law in Late Imperial China: Crime, Conflict, and Judgment, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2009, pp.125-142.

(15)   〈18世纪中国商业法律中的债负与过失论述〉, 《复旦史学集刊》第1辑(上海:复旦大学出版社, 2005年6月), 页211-248。["The Discourse on Insolvency and Negligence in Eighteenth-Century China", Fudan Historical Studies, Vol.1(Shanghai: Fudan University Press, June 2005), pp.211-248.]

(16)   〈市場、法律與人情:明清蘇州商人團體提供「交易服務」的制度與變遷〉, 收入《中國の歷史世界——統合のシステムと多元的發展》(東京:東京都立大學出版會, 2002年2月), 頁571-592。 ["Market, Law, and Emotions: The Growth of Transaction Services Provided by Suchow’s Merchant Associations in Late Imperial China", in Chinese Historical World: Integrating System and Plural Developments (Tokyo: Tokyo Municipal University Press, February 2002), Pp. 571-592. ]

(17) 〈真相大白?明清刑案中的法律推理〉, 收入熊秉真编, 《让证据说话──中国篇》(台北:麦田出版公司, 2001年8月), 页135-198 。["Legal Reasoning in Three-Type Collections of Lawsuits in Late Imperial China", in Ping-Chen Hsiun ed., Let Evidence Speak for Itself: Chinas Experience (Taipei: Ma-tien Publishing Co., August 2001), pp.135-198.]

(18) 〈由市廛律例演变看明清政府对市场的法律规范〉, 收入国立台湾大学历史学系编, 《史学:传承与变迁学术研讨会论文集》, 台北:国立台湾大学, 1998年。["The Evolution of Market Regulations in Mingqing Code", in National Taiwan University History Department ed., Heritage and Change in History (Taipei: National Taiwan University, 1998), Pp. 291-334.]

 (1)  Principal Investigator, Commerce and Politics from the Mid-Eighteenth to the Mid-Nineteenth Century in an Upper Yangtze CityChongqing, #14607917, RGC General Research Fund, 2017-2018.

(2)   Principal Investigator, Commercial Customs and Lawsuits in Suzhou and Chongqing in the Middle Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century, #14402414, RGC General Research Fund, 2014-2015.

(3)  Award of Exemplary Teacher by the Faculty of Arts, CUHK. The Faculty of Arts, Chinese University of Hong Kong(2014-2015; 2016-2017)

(4)    Visiting Scholar, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, 04/2016 - 06/2016.

(5)    Chairman of the Nominating Committee, International Society of Chinese History and Law, 10/2015 - 12/2015.

(6)    Visiting Scholar, Institut d’Asie Orientale, ENS-LSH, 09/2006.

(7)    Visiting Scholar, Harvard-Yengching Institute, 07/2002 – 06/2003.

(8)    Board Member(2002-2021)and Chairperson(2010-2011)of The Chinese Society for Ming Studies.

(9)    Board Member(2000-2012、2017-2021)of The Chinese Society for Legal History.    

(1)      Guest Associate Professor, Chinese Civilisation Centre in City University of Hong Kong, 09/2009 - 12/2009.

(2)      Guest Associate Professor(2020.07- 2021.06), Guest Lecturer(1991.08-1992.07;1996.09-1997.02), History Department of National Taiwan University.

(3)      Guest Associate Professor (08/2004 - 07/2009), Guest Assistant Professor(09/2000 - 07/2004), History Department of National Chi Nan University.

(4)      Correspondent in Taipei, Society for Ming Studies (USA), 04/2007- 03/2008.

(5)      Editor, The Email Discussion Group of the Society for Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica, 06/2009 - 06/2011.

(6)      Board Member, The Committee for Promotion of Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica, 06/2009 - 06/2011.

(7)      中央研究院历史语言研究所「法律史研究室」召集人(1999-2000;2004.01-2011),并任「法律史电子邮件讨论群」编辑(1998-2011)

(8)      中央研究院「第三届国际汉学会议」(2000.06.29-07.01)历史语言研究所分组大会秘书;会议论文集出版编辑小组秘书(2001)

(9)      香港城市大学图书馆邀请,协助该馆咨询重新规划「中国法律史特藏书库」书文目录与图书室相关工作(2005.03)

(10)   Editorial Board Member, Mingdai Yanjiu [明代研究, Journal of Ming Studies] (Taipei), 2002 - 2003, 2020-2021.

(11)   Editorial Board Member, Taida Lishi Xuebao [台大歷史學報, History Inquiry] (Taipei),  08/2016 – 2019.

(12)   Editorial Board Member, Xing Shixue [新史學, New History] (Taipei), 01-12/1999, 01-12/2006; Chief Editor, 01-12/2011.

(13)   Editorial Adviser, Zhongguo Gudai Falu Wenxian Yanjiu [中國古代法律文獻研究, Journal of Chinese Ancient Legal Literature Studies] (Beijing), 07/2017-present.

(14)   Editorial Board Member, Jiangnan Shehui Lishi Pinglun [江南社會歷史評論, Review of the Social History of Jiangnan], 2009 - present.

(15)   Editorial Board Member, Fazhishi Yanjiu  [法制史研究, Journal for Legal History Studies] (Taipei), 01/2003 - 07/2013; Editorial Adviser, 2014 - 2016; Chief Editor, 03/2020-2021.

(16)   Editorial Board Member, Chengda Lishi Xuebao [成大歷史學報, Cheng Kung Journal of Historical Studies] (Tainan), 2012–2018.

(17)   Editorial Board Member, Chengda Faxue Pinglun [政大法學評論, Chengchi Law Review] (Taipei), 05/2009 - 04/2013.

(18)   Editorial Board Member, Si yu Yan [思與言, Thought & Words: Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences] (Taipei), 12/2005 - 03/2011.

(19)   Editorial Board Member, Wenhua Yanjiu [文化研究, Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies] (Taipei), 08/2006–03/2011.

(20)   Editorial Board Member, Disquisitions on the Past & Present (古今論衡, Taipei), 1999-2001.